What is Dermal Filler?
Dermal filler is a product that can be used under the skin to support and replace areas of volume loss or where enhancements are required.
The dermal fillers used by Dr Marjan Goodacre are hyaluronic acid based, which is what the skin is made of naturally. As we age we lose the natural hyaluronic acid in the skin leading to sagginess, wrinkling and volume loss. With hyaluronic acid fillers this loss can now be replaced by dermal filler treatments.
Juvederm® is one of the most established dermal filler products from the reputable pharmaceutical company Allergan who first created Botox®. The dermal filler is hyaluronic acid that is injected into the skin, to refresh, volumise or enhance the face.
There are 2 ranges of Juvederm®; the Ultra range and the Vycross range. Dr Marjan Goodacre uses the Juvederm Vycross® range for her treatments as it is the more advanced range, with more natural results that last much longer.
Dr Marjan Goodacre is one of few practitioners selected by Allergan Pharmaceuticals for their top tier training in the latest filler techniques and advanced facial enhancement treatments.
What happens during Dermal Filler Treatment?
During your consultation, Dr Marjan Goodacre will first listen to your concerns and what you would like to achieve. Clinical photos will be taken and your face examined and assessed fully. All options will be discussed with you and a treatment plan created to achieve your desired result.
When you are ready to proceed with treatment, your skin will be cleansed and disinfected. Areas for treatment will be marked out on your face and the dermal filler syringe will be prepared. Dr Marjan Goodacre will use either a cannula or needle for your treatment depending on the area you are having treated. Dr Goodacre is very delicate and precise with her treatments and most patients rarely bruise after the procedure. If you are prone to bruising make sure to speak to Dr Goodacre who will give you some advice on how this can be avoided or reduced.